One Word Images and Criterion C Assessments
For one word images (OWI) I like to assess our students using Criterion C: Communicating in response to spoken and/or written and/or visual text. I teach mostly 9th graders in Spanish 1 so I use the Phase 2 criteria for assessment. After a class completes their OWI, I snap a picture and save it to my Google Drive folder. I give each class their own folder and one of the subfolders is OWI. I name it whatever character it was and put the date so that I know when we completed this creation. Our school utilizes Schoology as our online platform for instruction. So when assessment time rolls around, I upload the picture to Schoology and they complete their descriptions from the image provided on their iPad. To assess the students, I go over our Criterion C rubric with them. But, for now, I give them each a copy of the Crit. C rubric and let them look over the details of what they are being assessed on. I usually give them their rubrics 3-4 days ahead of time we go over it every da...