Planning out week 1

My first week back to school is only 4 days long. I am looking forward to having a shorter week but I am so stoked about Stepping Stones that I am already planning what I am going to do even though I don't start until September 3rd. That's how excited I am!

The first 3 days, every lesson is going to be exactly the same. We are just getting to know each other and I don't want to try and do too much too soon. Slow! Is! Key! I am saying that for you, but also for me. I have a tendency to speak to quickly and assume that more students are understanding than they really are.

These are what my lesson plans for my first week of school are going to look like: 

As you can see, everything is set up the same way for the first three days of school. I want my kiddos to really feel successful on those first days! I want to build their confidence. Day 4 is a Friday for me and so I am going to use that day to talk about what Second Language Acquisition looks like and how it works. I am either going to have the kids make brochures to bring home or maybe even a meme that shows about SLA. I haven't decided but I think memes would be hilarious and engaging.

So that is my plan for the first 3 days of school! Here is a link to my Google doc if you want to make a copy and adapt it for your own class. If you need to add more days, all you do is copy and paste the day + the framework in a new box and it will copy and paste all color-coded like I have it now. If you're wondering where my anchor charts are, I won't be starting those until week 2!

Happy trails!

Señora K 


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