Life-changing hack for Quick Quizzes + Schoology

I am about to rock your world; Especially if you get flack for "not using your 1:1 technology enough" in your CI classroom.

Are you ready?

Quick quizzes are fast way to formatively assess your students on a daily (if you want) basis. There are other strategies that you can use, of course, but Quick Quizzes are a really great one. The one downside about doing them is that you have to grade them šŸ˜©. Most students get 100% but you still have to go through each one. And for me, that would be right around 100 quizzes every day plus all my other grading and mama ain't got time for that. The other thing about Quick Quizzes is that you are basically making the questions up on the fly, using the information from the Guided Oral Input portion of your day and students are answering true or false. Then you have to create a key as you are asking the questions which is not a big deal but this hack cuts out the need to grade AND to create a key while asking questions (something I have a hard time doing?? I sometimes write the wrong answer and then kids argue with me but then they end up being right ... it's a mess)

So, if you have Schoology, you can create the quizzes ahead of time! How?
You set up each question with a correct answer of true or false and then ask questions that just match your pre-created quiz. So, for example, in Schoology your quiz's correct answers are:
  1. T
  2. F
  3. T
  4. T
  5. F
And then you ask questions (even though you are making them up on the spot) so that question 1's answer is true, question 2's answer is false, question 3's answer is true, 4's answer is true and 5's is false.
You can keep your key up on your computer while you ask the questions so you don't get lost AND they are graded instantly! You can make as many different master keys as you want with different variations of true and false and then pull a new one out for the kids so they don't catch on to the same order of answers.
You've got an easy grade in the book, their results are instant and you can spend your prep drinking your cold, cold coffee you left on your desk and never found your way back to! Yay!  


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